Abstract submissions


 ASAA 2024 invites submissions for (1) individual papers, (2) panel proposals, (3) posters, (4) alternative formats and (5) book launch proposals. Both onsite and online presentation options are available, however panels should be either fully online or fully face-to-face. All presentations must be given in English.


1) Paper

Individual papers comprise in-room/online presentations of original research by one or more authors, involving 20 minutes presentation and 10 minutes Q&A. Please indicate primary and secondary discipline from the drop-down list, and whether your individual paper presentation will be presented online or in person.


2) Posters

Posters are an opportunity to present your research in visual format and they can be either physical or in digital format. If presenting a physical poster, please note that you will be required to bring your poster with you. Digital posters will be made available online.


3) Panels


Panels allow for extended discussion of a particular topic. These will normally comprise 3-4 presenter slots of maximum 20 minutes each, scheduled over 1.5 hours, inclusive of an optional discussion or discussant slot.        


Proposals for thematic panels should include: (i) concise title of the panel, panel abstract of up to 200 words, up to three keywords, the number of presenters, and names and affiliations of presenters, and (ii) an abstract for each presentation of up to 200 words, excluding the paper title and keywords. Panels should be submitted by the panel convenor/organiser only.


If submitting an abstract for a panel, please ensure that your panel is either fully online, or fully face to face format. There will be very limited capacity to run hybrid panels. Please indicate in your submission whether the panel will be online or face to face.


4) Alternative formats


If you would like to organise a session using alternative format, please list the number of presenters, affiliations, contact details and the format the session will take. Indicate clearly if any specific space or IT requirements will be expected from the organisers.




Submissions should include:

Title (dropdown list)

First Name

Last Name

Email (institutional, if at all possible)

Job Title



Paper title (ideally limit the characters to 100 because this will help when assembling the program)

Panel title and organiser (if relevant)

Primary discipline/theme (dropdown)

Secondary discipline/theme (dropdown)

Indicate whether your presentation will take place online only (dropdown).


Abstracts should be typed straight into the submission textbox. It is recommended that authors have this text ready to copy and paste (ensuring that no formatting carries across). It should:

·         Not exceed 200 words

·         Indicate the presenting author(s) if co-authored

·      Include a succinct overview of the intent and purpose of the presentation, as well as the   significance of the research presented

·         Include a title of 20 words maximum (this will make it easier for us to print the program)


Please be aware that the submitting author (if different to the presenting author) will be the one linked to the abstract and will receive all relevant information via email. It is the submitting author’s exclusive responsibility to ensure that all emails to do with the abstract are passed on to the presenting author, or any other relevant parties.


Please note that your abstract will only be included into the final program if you or your co-author(s) have registered for the conference.


Online presentations


Please note that this is not a fully hybrid conference. Online only presentations will be scheduled together with other online presentations and online registrations will not have access to all face-to-face sessions, with the exception of the keynote presentations, which will be streamed. The limited access is reflected in the price of registrations.




All abstracts will be evaluated by the Conference organising Committee. Key criteria include thematic relevance, innovation, theoretical framing, and topic significance.